

Question 1. 1.

When the semilunar valves are open, is the following statement true or false?


The tricuspid and bicuspid valves are open.

(Points : 1)

      [removed] TRUE
      [removed] FALSE


Question 2. 2.

When the semilunar valves are open, is the following statement true or false?


The atria contract.

(Points : 1)

      [removed] TRUE
      [removed] FALSE


Question 3. 3.

When the semilunar vlaves of the heart are open, the following statement is true or false?


The blood enters the aorta.

(Points : 1)

      [removed] TRUE
      [removed] FALSE


Question 4. 4.

When the semilunar valves are open, the following statement is true or false?


The blood enters the pulmonary arteries.

(Points : 1)

      [removed] TRUE
      [removed] FALSE


Question 5. 5.

When the semilunar valves are open, the following statement is true or false?


The ventricles are in systole.

(Points : 1)

      [removed] TRUE
      [removed] FALSE


Question 6. 6.

When the semilunar valves are open, the following statement is true or false?


The ventricles are in diastole.

(Points : 1)

      [removed] TRUE
      [removed] FALSE


Question 7. 7. Which of the following contribute(s) to venous return (blood returning to the heart)? (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. breathing or diaphragm action
      [removed] B. one way valves in the veins
      [removed] C. contraction of skeletal muscles
      [removed] D. B and C only
      [removed] E. A, B, and C


Question 8. 8. The superior vena cava brings what blood to the heart? (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. Unoxygenated blood from the lower part of the body.
      [removed] B. Oxygenated blood from the upper part of the body.
      [removed] C. Oxygenated blood from the lower part of the body.
      [removed] D. Unoxygenated blood from the upper part of the body.


Question 9. 9. Blood supply to the heart’s myocardium is directly provided by the _____ artery(ies). (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. aorta
      [removed] B. coronary
      [removed] C. jugular
      [removed] D. pulmonary


Question 10. 10. The mitral valve is located between … (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. left atrium and left ventricle
      [removed] B. right atrium and right ventricle
      [removed] C. left ventricle and body
      [removed] D. right ventricle and lungs


Question 11. 11. Specialized cells of the right atrium that act as the heart’s pacemaker are called the: (Points : 1)

      [removed] a. Bundle of His
      [removed] B. SA node
      [removed] C. Purkinje fibers
      [removed] D. AV node


Question 12. 12. The inner lining of the heart is called the: (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. endocardium
      [removed] B. myocardium
      [removed] C. pericardium
      [removed] D. tunicacardium


Question 13. 13. A heart rate of 100 or more beats per minute (or faster than normal) is called: (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. arrhythmia
      [removed] B. hypertension
      [removed] C. bradycardia
      [removed] D. tachycardia


Question 14. 14.

“Lupp” or S1 heart sound is due to:

(Points : 1)

      [removed] A. closure of the bicuspid and tricuspid valves
      [removed] B. contraction of the ventricles
      [removed] C. relaxation of the ventricles
      [removed] D. closure of the pulmonary and aorta semilunar valves
      [removed] E. conraction of the atria


Question 15. 15. A streptococcal infection may cause this: (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. murmurs
      [removed] B. rheumatic heart disease
      [removed] C. myocardial infaction
      [removed] D. fibrillation
      [removed] E. cerebral vascular accident (CVA)


Question 16. 16. The Tunica Externa or Adventitia is the _______ layer of the blood vessel. (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. inner
      [removed] B. middle
      [removed] C. outer
      [removed] D. only


Question 17. 17.

Use the following scenario for the next five questions (17 -21). John has been in a car accident and needs a blood transfusion; Sally wants to donate blood. John has type O+ blood and Sally has type A+ blood.


Can Sally donate blood to John?


(Points : 1)

      [removed] TRUE
      [removed] FALSE


Question 18. 18. John’s blood has __________ in its plasma. (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. A and B antibodies
      [removed] B. A antibodies
      [removed] C. B antibodies
      [removed] D. O antibodies


Question 19. 19. Sally’s blood has ____________ on her RBCs. (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. A antibodies
      [removed] B. A antigens
      [removed] C. B antigens
      [removed] D. O antibodies


Question 20. 20. Let’s change the scenario. If John donated blood to Sally, would Sally’s blood coagulate?” (Points : 1)

      [removed] TRUE
      [removed] FALSE


Question 21. 21. Do John and Sally have Rh antigens on their RBCs? (Points : 1)

      [removed] TRUE
      [removed] FALSE


Question 22. 22. Non-nucleated cells which transport oxygen from lungs to tissues and carbon dioxide from tissues to lungs. (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. Red blood cells (erythrocytes)
      [removed] B. White blood cells (leukocytes)
      [removed] C. Platelets (thrombocytes)
      [removed] D. Neutrophils


Question 23. 23. Granular leukocyte which phagocytizes bacteria. (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. Platelet
      [removed] B. Basophil
      [removed] C. Neutrophil
      [removed] D. Eosinophil


Question 24. 24. Cell type comprised of B cells and T cells. (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. basophil
      [removed] B. lymphocyte
      [removed] C. white blood cell
      [removed] D. Monocyte


Question 25. 25. Granular leukocyte which phagocytizes and increases in number during injury causing inflammation. (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. basophil
      [removed] B. eosinophil
      [removed] C. lymphocyte
      [removed] D. monocyte


Question 26. 26. Component of blood which contains protein, nutrients, electrolytes, gases, waste products, and water. (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. platelet
      [removed] B. Rh antigen
      [removed] C. plasma
      [removed] D. cytoplasm


Question 27. 27.

This vessel is located medial to the bicipital area of the elbow.

(Points : 1)

      [removed] A. brachial artery
      [removed] B. popliteal artery
      [removed] C. axillary artery
      [removed] D. femoral artery


Question 28. 28. The popliteal artery: (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. is found in the groin area.
      [removed] B. is found behind the knee.
      [removed] C. is found in the anterior aspect of the wrist on the thumb side.
      [removed] D. is just left to the umbilicus.


Question 29. 29.

Located on the anterior side of the wrist on the little finger side.

(Points : 1)

      [removed] A. radial artery
      [removed] B. radial nerve
      [removed] C. brachial artery
      [removed] D. ulnar artery


Question 30. 30.


(Points : 1)

      [removed] A. is low blood pressure.
      [removed] B. is an infection in the blood.
      [removed] C. is characterized by a consistent blood pressure of 140/90 or higher.
      [removed] D. is where the lack of oxygen causes a bluish skin tint.


Question 31. 31. Small vessels which have lots of elastic layers for vasoconstriction and control blood flow between capillaries and arteries are called: (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. venules
      [removed] B. elastic arteries
      [removed] C. continuous capillaries
      [removed] D. arterioles


Question 32. 32. Cyanosis (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. is due to the sudden interruption of blood flow to the brain
      [removed] B. is due to accumulated fatty substances in the arterial wall.
      [removed] C. is where the lack of oxygen causes a bluish skin tint.
      [removed] D. is due to lack of exercise.


Question 33. 33. 120/80 is (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. Indicative of hypotension.
      [removed] B. A normal blood pressure.
      [removed] C. Indicates hypertension.
      [removed] D. is indicative of excessive exercise.


Question 34. 34.

Atherosclerosis is due to:

(Points : 1)

      [removed] A. smoking
      [removed] B. exercise
      [removed] C. accumulated fatty substances in the arterial wall.
      [removed] D. small veins.


Question 35. 35. Not smoking, exercise, reducing LDLs, and maintaining a good weight are the best way to prevent heart disease. (Points : 1)

      [removed] TRUE
      [removed] FALSE


Question 36. 36.

The site of production for B-Lymphocytes.

(Points : 1)

      [removed] A. lymph nodes
      [removed] B. thymus gland
      [removed] C. spleen
      [removed] D. bone marrow


Question 37. 37. Site of production of T-cells. (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. lymph glands
      [removed] B. thymus gland
      [removed] C. spleen
      [removed] D. bone marrow


Question 38. 38. Original site of production for lymphocytes. (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. Red bone marrow
      [removed] B. thymus gland
      [removed] C. liver
      [removed] D. spleen


Question 39. 39.

The wall that separates the left and right ventricles is called:

(Points : 1)

      [removed] A. the endocardium
      [removed] B. the apex
      [removed] C. the septum
      [removed] D. the purkinje fibers


Question 40. 40. The chamber of the heart which receives relatively unoxygenated blood from the body. (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. right atrium
      [removed] B. right ventricle
      [removed] C. left atrium
      [removed] D. left ventricle


Question 41. 41. The valve that opens to pump blood to the body other than the lungs (during systemic circulation.) (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. tricuspid
      [removed] B. Mitral
      [removed] C. pulmonary semilunar
      [removed] D. aortic semilunar


Question 42. 42. The blood vessel that brings venous blood flow from the lower body to the heart. (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. right brachial vein
      [removed] B. right internal jugular vein
      [removed] C. inferior vena cava
      [removed] D. the femoral vein


Question 43. 43. The thickest chamber of the heart which pumps the blood to the body. (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. right atrium
      [removed] B. left atrium
      [removed] C. right ventricle
      [removed] D. left ventricle


Question 44. 44. The valve which allows blood to flow from the right atrium to the right ventricle. (Points : 1)

      [removed] A. tricuspid
      [removed] B. mitral
      [removed] C. pulmonary semilunar

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