Find all zeros of each equation x^5 -3x^4 -15x^3 + 45x^2 -16x + 48 = 0 x^3 -x^2 +5x -5 = 0 7x^2…

Find all zeros of each equation x^5 -3x^4 -15x^3 + 45x^2 -16x + 48 = 0 x^3 -x^2 +5x -5 = 0 7x^2…

Find all zeros of each equation x^5 -3x^4 -15x^3 + 45x^2 -16x + 48 = 0 x^3 -x^2 +5x -5 = 0 7x^2 -144 =-x^4

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