

Research Review Proposal (5pts)

Due Friday, February 5th at the beginning of class (email submissions will not be accepted). Proposals turned in after 2/5 at 2:30 pm may be accepted for 0 points (in other words, I will give you feedback, but you will forfeit 5 points). Please type up the following (you may enumerate your responses):

  1. Briefly describe what your topic will be.
  2. Discuss how you will approach it from a sociological perspective. In the past, students who have not done well on their research project have relied too heavily on a psychological or biological perspective, or have a topic that is way too broad.
  3. You should explain what sources you will use (be sure the sources are available), and how you will narrow down your topic.
  4. Explain how you will present your findings to the class for the visual project presentation. (For example, poster presentation, PowerPoint, video, etc.)

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