A farmer packed 37 pumpkins.Each pumpkin had a weight of about 48 ounces.He put them into three baskets. the weight of…

A farmer packed 37 pumpkins.Each pumpkin had a weight of about 48 ounces.He put them into three baskets. the weight of…

A farmer packed 37 pumpkins.Each pumpkin had a weight of about 48 ounces.He put them into three baskets. the weight of the pumpkins in basket “A” was 3 times of the pumpkins in basket “C”. the weight of the pumpkins in basket “B” was twice that of the pumpkins in basket “C”. the weight of the empty basket “C” was 140 ounces What was the total weight of basket “C” and the pumpkins in it?

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