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Develop an Inventory Plan – assignment 1


Since the maintenance of inventory is such an important factor for any healthcare organization, all healthcare organizations should have an effective plan for dealing with suppliers to get inventory in a timely manner. For this assignment, develop an inventory plan for working with suppliers to ensure just-in-time inventory and supply delivery arrangements. The plan should include criteria for when and how supplies will be ordered and delivered to the facility. Keep in mind that inventory should be reordered before the stock becomes too low and that healthcare organizations must plan for emergency situations.





Continuing Case Study – assignment 2 (attatched photos of reading to be able to complete this assignment)

This week, please read the continuing case at the end of Chapters 18 and 19 in your textbook.

After studying the Chapter 18 case, respond to the following:

  1. Assuming that the safety stock of NPH insulin must be three vials, what is the optimal order quantity? What is the optimal number of orders per year?

After studying the Chapter 19 case, respond to the following:

  1. Why does Dr. Jackson prefer the line of credit to a bank note?
  2. Why does the bank prefer to extend credit in the form of a note rather than as a line of credit?





Course Project Budget Proposal – assignment 3 (attatched all needed papers to complete this assignment)


Using the information that you have been preparing throughout the quarter, create a budget proposal to be presented to the hospital’s management. This proposal should include the following:

  • A history report from last year’s budget in your proposal; this can be done by creating a table, graph or pie chart.
  • Create an itemized table that contains each expenditure listed on your budget with the proposed amount listed next to the item.
  • Prepare a brief a justification for each item in your budget that explains the need for the item and the cost, if it is abnormally expensive.

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