IOS (XCode) Programming Homework help

IOS (XCode) Programming Homework help

For this project component, you will use the skills you gained in this unit’s study activities to implement the Smart Homes, Inc. store locator application’s user interface, allowing the user to browse the results returned from submitting search parameters in the search input interface. When the user taps the submit button to send the search parameters, the application should do the following:

  • Use the BBYOPEN API to retrieve a list of stores using the search parameters.
  • Display the list of returned stores in a scrollable table with the closest store at the top and the farthest store at the bottom.

Your completed assignment should achieve the following:

  • Demonstrate an ability to integrate third-party application programming interfaces to communicate with a Web service.
  • Construct an iOS application that communicates with a third-party Web service without blocking the user interface.
  • Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot network communication errors when using a third-party Web service integrated with an iOS application.

When complete, submit your assignment in the assignment area as a .zip file containing all of the files you created to build your solution.


****** Hint ******

All you need to do what the SHNetworkDelegate.h tells you to do, namely:

 * The following method retrieves an array of Store objects from the BBYOpen API.
 * @param aZipcode The string representing the zipcode to retrieve stores for.
 * @param distance The string representing the distance radius in miles to search around the supplied zipcode.
 * @param delegate Any object that must conform to the <SHRetrieveStoresDelegate> protocol.  This object will be called back with an array returned by the BBYOpen API.  The relevant delegate method that must be implemented on your object is didRetrieveStores:
 * @see SHNetworkDelegate.h

– (void)attemptRetrieveStoresWithZipcode:(NSString *)aZipcode distance:(NSString *)distance andDelegate:(id)delegate;

All you need to do is call the above method and ensure that you implement the didRetrieveStores: delegate method defined in SHNetworkDelegate.h

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