2 Critical Response Write-Ups

2 Critical Response Write-Ups

2 Critical Response Write-Ups for the due readings (see course outline for due dates and template for the write-up towards the end of the syllabus)

These write-ups need to be typed. They do not have to be done in essay form, but can be done in outline form. They should show evidence of your understanding of the author’s main ideas as well as your critical reflections on those ideas. The reading response, be it done either in outline or essay form, should be at least 2 double spaced pages long and no more than 5 pages long. Please refer to the template (attached towards the end of the syllabus) for reading responses. You will be asked to share some of your questions and thoughts during class discussion

#1 on this article:


#2 on this article


Template for reading responses

Title of reading:

We have just finished a reading about…

The key points of this reading are…

Given what I have learned from this reading, the following questions were raised for me…


Given what I have learned from this reading, the following concerns were raised for me…


Given what I have learned from this reading, the following issues were raised for me…


This reading leads me to offer the following feedback…

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