Development of Islam as A Religious Social and Political Entity Paper

Development of Islam as A Religious Social and Political Entity Paper

Based on the readings and video for this week, discuss the origins and development of Islam as a religious, social, and political entity.

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 750 words



Mandaville,Peter. Global Political Islam. London, U.S.: Routledge, 2007. Chapter 1, page 4 (Islam in the world; Some basic facts) to page 15 (When does Islam count?)

Mandaville,Peter. Global Political Islam. London, U.S.: Routledge, 2007. Chapter 2, page 24 to page 29 (The Rashidun Caliphs)


The Public Broadcasting Service. Gardner. “Islam: Empire of Faith [PBS Documentary].” (accessed 31 March 2016) to 51.00.

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