
By the due date assigned you will write 2 reports (referring to the departments of Dermatology and Cardiology) and use them as your script for your Week 3 Oral Report. Your writing section for this assignment will include 2 paragraphs for each department.
In order to earn the maximum credit for the written report you need to incorporate at least 10 medical terms for each department (a total of 20 terms for this assignment), using them in a manner that demonstrates your knowledge of their meaning. Include the major or most common diseases or conditions seen in each department. Include at least three of the principal procedures that are relevant to each department. Highlight pertinent laboratory and radiological diagnostic services relevant to each department. Limit your analysis of each department to two paragraphs.
For your Oral Report for this week, read aloud your Written Report for the Department of Dermatology and Department of Cardiology for your fictious hospital. Record yourself dictating this report as before using your own recording software or the free Audacity Recording Software available online. Place your audiofile in the Dropbox.
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