Respond to classmates (psyc)

Respond to classmates (psyc)

Post at least two responses to your classmates. Responses should be substantial and meaningful. Consider responding in a manner that keeps the conversation flowing, such as by asking a question, offering an alternative point of view, or suggesting additional ideas that expand on their ideas. Please remember to cite at least one source (with in-text citations and a full reference) in at least one aside to support your ideas in that aside. Respond in at least 50 words

(1) The article a well as the talk were both very enlightening. McGonigal states that how we think about stress matters. She also discusses how stress can make people more social and this was new information for me (McGonial,2013). I never thought that oxytocin was a stress hormone that is released after a stress response. It makes sense why it is present a lot after childbirth because the mother has gone through so much stress at this point. The fact that oxytocin is telling the body to seek support explains a lot why we seek support after a breakdown. By then our body has taken enough and the breaking point is there so we tend to seek help or find a shoulder to cry on at the time.

The article was a big reminder of my middle school and high school days. I was the student who would sweat before a spelling test! The article enlightened me on the appraisal of internal states and how we behave according to our reaction to our internal stress ((Jamieson, Mendes, Blackstock, & Schmader, 2009). This article is also relatable in a sense that I feel I became a better cook because the people around me praised me even if I thought the food was bad. THe appraisal helped me fight the inner stress that I wasn’t good at the task and I improved over time.

Currently I do help with a non-profit called Helping Hands but my work is mostly in donations etc. I would love to work with and help the young women around the world who are deprived of their basic rights and make a difference by educating them and creating awareness about their rights as well as empowering them with the tools they need to be successful in their lives.

(2) I thought that the information in the Ted Talk and the article was fascinating. I always thought that stress was a negative think I have never thought to view it in a way that it can be beneficial for your health. Jameison, Mendes, Blackstock, and Schmader (2009) stated that, in sum, these findings show that people’s appraisals of their internal states are flexible. As such, the manner in which internal states are interpreted can have profound effects on emotions, physiology, and behavior. It is crazy to think that they way that we interpret out internal states (physical response to stress) can have positive effects on our motion and our physiology. In regard to our physiological response to stress my favorite part in Kelly McGonigal’s Ted Talk was when she described what happens to our blood vessels and the differences when we view stress in a negative way and when we view it as a positive way. I was also fascinated that our body has a natural signal to “stress resilience” by sending out a lot of oxytocin when our body undergo’s a lot of stress. An opportunity to help children that I would be really interested volunteering in is the Change a Child’s Life campaign which is a therapeutic mentoring program for children with emotional disabilities, mentors are put with a child and the mentor’s job is to be a positive role model and consistent person in a child’s life.

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